Are Trampolines Good For Obese People? Plus 3 Obese Workouts

Are Trampolines Good For Obese People? I have received this question from most people. Hence, I want to look at this topic comprehensively and answer all the questions relating to trampoline exercises and obesity.

Trampolines provide an excellent way for Obese, overweight, and fat people to lose weight and keep fit. Trampolines deliver low-impact exercises that are effective at burning calories. These trampoline exercises are also easy on the joints, knees, legs, and lower back.

So, Are Trampolines Good For Obese People?

The simple answer is yes! Trampolines are good for obese people. Trampolines provide a low-impact kind of exercise that’s easy on joints, muscles, and other body parts. Hence, any overweight person can exercise on the trampoline without fear of injuries.

Furthermore, exercising on a trampoline is more effective than walking. Although both walking and rebounding on a trampoline are low-impact exercises. Rebounding is more effective at burning calories and keeping fit. You’ll use less energy and still burn more fat jumping.

A recent study has shown that rebounding or exercising on a trampoline is effective at burning 50% more fat and improving aerobic fitness than running. The study further revealed that regular rebounding increases vertical jumping ability.

Therefore, obese, fat, and overweight people who exercise on the trampoline regularly are highly likely to register positive results. The low-impact workout ensures that they have a fun way of burning calories and keeping fit.

So, Can Rebounding Help You Lose Weight

Yes, rebounding or exercising on a trampoline is an excellent method of weight loss. You can easily incorporate Rebounding into your weight loss program.

Regular Rebounding will help to strengthen your muscles, burn excess fat, improve your heart rate, and give you a nice feeling for the remainder of the day.

The good thing with rebounding is that it will help you tighten your core with every jump that you make. Therefore, with time rebounding can help in shaping the abdominal muscles.

Apart from weight loss, repeated rebounding will help you burn more calories on your legs, buttocks, and thighs while at rest.

Therefore, if you’re obese you should try rebounding and tap into all these benefits for a healthy lifestyle.

Rebounding/ Using the Mini Trampoline

Using a trampoline as a form of regular exercise has been widely adopted and people with different workout goals opt for rebounding.

Therefore, obese people will benefit greatly from regular rebounding. Therefore, if you’re fat consider doing rebounding exercises to get back into shape.

Some of the things you can perform on a trampoline include; bouncing, jumping, and running. You don’t need additional training gears to exercise on a trampoline.

The good thing with trampoline training is that it targets the whole body. With rebounding, you benefit from force of gravity (G Force) together with deceleration and acceleration forces.

However, it’s good to start with low-intensity exercises. You can start with 3 reps of 5 sets each. You can add up the reps if you feel strong enough. The key here is to listen to your body and avoid overstraining.

Trampoline and Obesity

Using a fitness trampoline is one way obese people can implement to lose the excess fat while keeping fit. Trampoline exercises can help anyone find success in weight loss. Therefore, if you’re obese, you’ll need to work out for about 150 minutes per week. You can start with low-impact exercises.

However, if you feel strong enough or you have been exercising for some time, you can target around 300 minutes per week. This will help in speeding up the weight loss journey for improved health outcomes.

What Obese, Fat, or Overweight People Need To Know Before Using a Trampoline?

1. You Need To Start Slow

When starting any exercise routine, ensure that you begin slowly as you build up your strength and endurance. This way, you can avoid any injuries that might occur as you bounce on your trampoline.

You can start by simply jumping on the trampoline. Alternatively, you can use online trampoline workout videos or DVDs that come with the product during delivery.

You can also opt to join gym trampoline classes and learn the basics of proper and effective trampoline workouts. This can help you to be a step ahead. Hence, you’ll achieve your fitness goals quickly.

2. Consult Your Doctors

it’s important that you consult your doctor before beginning any fitness regime. It’s especially crucial for obese, overweight, and fat people to seek the doctor’s approval before starting trampoline training.

If you’re morbidly obese or just obese, you may be at risk of serious health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, or even heart attack among other serious conditions.

Therefore, you need to consult your doctor so that he/she can give you a guideline of how long or how often you need exercise.

3. Check Trampolines Weight Limits

Trampolines come with different weight limits. Hence, it’s crucial that you check the weight limit of the trampoline before making a purchase.

You can even choose a trampoline that has a higher weight capacity than your current weight. Small mini trampolines have a weight capacity of 200 to 300 pounds.

The large trampolines 14ft to 16ft can accommodate 350-400 pounds. Hence, remember to check the weight limit of the trampoline to avoid accidents or serious injuries.

Trampolines with higher weight limits are available at different online stores like Amazon or you can go direct to the manufacturer’s website.

You’ll need to set the large trampolines outdoors while the smaller ones can be used indoors or outdoors.

4. Accessories

Trampolines need some crucial accessories that make rebounding fun and safe. Therefore, when buying your trampoline, check if the manufacturer provides the accessories or you’ll need to purchase theM separately.

Some of these accessories include a safety enclosure net. The net will protect you from bouncing off to the ground. The net is crucial if your children will also jump on the trampoline, it will keep them safe from falls.

Safety border is also another accessory you may want to buy. This one is placed beneath the trampoline to prevent pets or young children from going underneath the trampoline while someone is jumping.

Other accessories include wind stakes, handlebar, and ladders. Some manufacturers provide these accessories while others don’t. Hence, it’s crucial you check that out.

5. Jumping surface

If you’re obese, you’ll need a trampoline with a large jumping surface. The jumping mat should also have a durable material that accommodates the excess weight.

Beginner Tips for Trampoline Use For the Obese

In this section, I will provide important tips you need to keep in mind before you begin your rebounding journey.

Therefore, when you are ready to begin trampoline exercises ensure you purchase the Best Mini Trampoline for Heavy Adults.

Place your trampolines in an open space to prevent you from bouncing off or bumping into other things.

If you don’t feel comfortable enough, use the handlebar to support yourself until you’re courageous or confident enough to jump without any support.

When you begin your fitness journey, remember there’ll be days that you won’t feel like working out. This is a normal part of the process, don’t feel bad.

When you’re obese, at times you’ll feel like you want to exercise but the excess weight may make the workout a difficult endeavor.

The extra weight causes express pressure on the joints, ankles, and knees. You may also experience back pains. You may find some exercises uncomfortable, thus unable to do them for long.

With rebounding on a trampoline, you’ll discover there’s a whole lot you can do to achieve your weight loss goal. Rebounding exercises the whole body.

The trampoline workouts are easy on joints, ankles, knees, and the back. Hence, you can continue rebounding with your excess weight without any pains or injuries.

As a beginner in rebounding, you may want to start slowly. Maybe, you can jump for 2-5 minutes then relax for a few seconds and continue. With time, you’ll attain strength and increase the bouncing intervals.

Hence, you’ll start burning calories, then lose the excess weight, and keep fit. You’ll love your new body

Best Trampoline Workout for Obese

Obese people will love rebounding because it’s a fun activity that you can perform anywhere and still tap the benefits. Below, I will highlight some of the best rebounding workouts for obese that you can try on your trampoline.

1. Warming Up

Before starting your workout, it’s important that you warm up first. Bring one leg to step On your trampoline, gently put it down, do the same with the other leg. Now alternate between the feet (one leg up the other down and vise vasa)

Slowly add a little bounce. Remember to loosen your legs, lower back, and hips.  As you bounce, involve your arms too. Move them up and down. Keep warming up for about 5 minutes.

2. Jumping Jacks

Once you feel you’ve warmed up properly incorporate jumping harks. This exercise helps to elevate the heart rate.

You can do this jumping exercise on your trampoline for effective weight loss. Jump with your legs spread apart and hands going overhead.  Then return the feet together. Do a set of 20 with at least 3 repetitions.

3. Bunny Hops

While doing bunny hops ensure that you land on your toes. Let the legs and the calf muscles help you do small hops. Ensure your knees are soft during landing to avoid injuries. Bend your knees a little, as you land. This exercise helps to burn fat on the thighs and buttocks.


Are trampolines good for obese people? Am sure you now have a definite answer. we’ve concluded that trampolines are an excellent way for obese people to lose weight and keep fit.

Just remember to start slowly and when you’re confident add the intervals and increase the workout routines. Most overweight people have seen great success through regular rebounding. Try it today.

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